Fandom Theory - Henry Jenkins A fandom is a collection of people who form communities based on their love for media texts such as movies, books, music and etc . A fandom is different with regular fans, as the shows that they like would define their personality either on a physical form like through clothing or mentally through action or behavior. Some fandoms might even make their own media texts based on their favorite shows, this is usually called fan fictions and people who create them are called PROSUMERS. Fandoms Summarized: Semiotic Productivity: Fans understand the meanings behind the media text. Enunciative Productivity: 'fanspeak' Fans sharing the product to other people, styling the same way as the characters. Textual Productivity: Prosumers ( fan who makes their own media texts ) content like Fan Fiction. Disney Fanfics in Wattpad Stages of Production in a Media Text` Production - When ideas are made, put into practice and shot. This where filmin...