LSD - Lyrics Sounds & Decibels Angelo, Jonathan, Jason Episode 1 ' 27 Club ' - Video Episode 2 ' As it Was ' - Video Critical Self Reflection Prezi Self Reflection link Full Essay ( Text ) • How do your products represent social groups or issues? Our podcast talks about music and the entertainment industry at large. But in the last two episodes, it focuses mostly on the lives of artists instead of the actual production of the music. And as such, all of the representation present in the podcast is about the musicians themselves. For example, Harry styles as mentioned in the second episode, represented the Unisex or Uni gender community by using girlish clothes in His music video for ‘As it Was’. The majority of these representations though are conforming to preexisting stereotypes. This includes things like, artists tend to do illegal substances, they tend to have depression and mysterious or shady deals behind the audiences backs. We mention this directly on...