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Showing posts from November, 2022

FINAL Podcast + Critical Self Reflection

  LSD - Lyrics Sounds & Decibels Angelo, Jonathan, Jason Episode 1 ' 27 Club ' - Video Episode 2 ' As it Was ' - Video  Critical Self Reflection Prezi Self Reflection link Full Essay ( Text )  • How do your products represent social groups or issues?  Our podcast talks about music and the entertainment industry at large. But in the last two episodes, it focuses mostly on the lives of artists instead of the actual production of the music. And as such, all of the representation present in the podcast is about the musicians themselves. For example, Harry styles as mentioned in the second episode, represented the Unisex or Uni gender community by using girlish clothes in His music video for ‘As it Was’. The majority of these representations though are conforming to preexisting stereotypes. This includes things like, artists tend to do illegal substances, they tend to have depression and mysterious or shady deals behind the audiences backs. We mention this directly on...

Editing Process Podcast

To be honest, I have no experience in editing audios whatsoever and as such didn't know what Software I can use that would be the best for editing. At first, I though the Software Audacity which we used to record our podcast at school would be the best. Reviews were great and it was free, But after using for some time, It was complicated for me, so I started looking for some alternatives.  Lakila despite being out of the group, gave us the idea of using Bandlab, Which was an online free audio / music making software that in my opinion was easy and simple to use. It didn't take me long at all to finally start editing the 1st Episode.   1st Episode - 27 Club In the first episode, I edited the audios sequentially, where I added effects, snippets and volume changes gradually as I go a long with the time. In that order I didn't  include parts of the podcast that are unnecessary to shorten time. The biggest problem I face here was trying to make the audios for me and Jason...

Social Media Podcast

  This Post is made by Jonathan Due to the fact that many other podcasts such as the one i researched namely Dissect have propped up their own social media page in order to fulfill uses such as promoting their podcast, making "filler" content to increase awareness of their podcast, and of course selling merchandise i decided it would be right for LSD (lyrics sounds decibels) to do the same. After looking at Dissect's instagram account ( & that of Color Studios which is not a podcast but had a Youtube channel which focused on themes similar to ours (pop culture and music), i decided i would model LSD's social media page after them, not to be a copy of them but just to take inspiration. Other than the content the way they organized their post was also fascinating, here we see a consistent color scheme, pink on one side of the page and green on the other, the bottom is dominated more by a blue-sky blue scheme. (Dissect's ...

Survey Results

  This Post is made by Jonathan  RAW DATA-EVIDENCE and commentary Our audience is almost evenly split between male and female  Our audience is mainly from the 11th and 12th grade demographic, between age 16 to 17 meaning our topics can be a bit less tame but not crass. There are no majorities but the most popular topics are The 27 Club(38%) & How Streaming Has Affected the Music Industry (31%) Most of our respondents do not listen to podcast, but those who do listen to podcast that are above 5 minutes long or do so for above 5 minutes meaning our episodes length should be above 5 but nothing over 10 which is the limit. Most of our respondents want a Humorous mood, and the other 1/3 wants a Conversational one, this means our podcast will be most likely unscripted. 90.5% of respondents want an unscripted podcast which added with the want for a conversational and humorous format which could be mixed has decided how our podcast will look like. The survey indicates that ou...