Levi Strauss ' Binary Opposites ' Binary Opposite Theory This is a theory suggest that many Media forms such as Movies, Books and TV Shows would always have polar opposites either their characters, goals, background and etc. We see it everyday in films, such as: Good vs Evil Weak vs Strong Rich vs Poor Young vs Ol d These opposites are often used to create conflict and makes the story feel more entertaining and exiting. But on top of that, its used more importantly as a way to communicate meaning. In each example of the opposites, One side would always win, and what side does win might relate to the meaning of what the director is trying to give. Case Study Darkest Hours A Little Backstory Germany had Blitzkrieg their way through France and now the combined British and French armies in Belgium numbering above 300,000 men are besieged in the area near Dunkirk. The Germans are closing in and their only escape is sea. Winston Churchill became the newly appointed Prime Minister...